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turn out of

  • 单词发音:英 [ tə:n aut ɔv ] 美 [ tɚn aʊt ʌv ]
  • 基本解释:赶出
  • turn out of 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 赶出

turn out of 相关例句更多>

  • out of turn.
  • And how many of them turn out to be false alarms ?
  • Turn right out of the hotel and then go straight ahead.
  • Turns out, a whiff of sweat has the ability to turn a frog into a prince.
    原来, 一股汗味儿就能使青蛙变王子。
  • Education out of his only pass, advised him to just turn over a new leaf.
    明性只教育他一通, 劝他改过自新了事。
  • The big advantage of new technology is that it can turn bureaucracy inside out.
  • A provisional statement of out turn of revenue and expenditure of the Festival was tabled by the Administration at the meeting.
  • In turn, how we do at work is vitally affected by the kind of education we get and most especially what we get out of our education.
    因为习惯, 我们常常忽视了细节给他人的感受。




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