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turn off

  • 单词发音:英 [ tə:n ɔf ] 美 [ tɚn ɔf ]
  • 基本解释:(把…)关掉;完成;解雇;转向
  • turn off 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • (把…)关掉
  • 完成
  • 解雇
  • 转向

包含turn off的单词更多>

turn off 相关例句更多>

  • Turn it off!It won't turn off!
  • Turn it off! It won't turn off!
    关上! 关不上!
  • veer twist steer turn turn around turn away turn off
  • She can turn off the charms quickly as she can turn it on.
  • You were supposed to turn off the AC, not turn on the furnace.
    只是让你关了电源, 你是不是连暖气也打开了。
  • Alternately turn down or turn off any unnecessary stressful noise.
  • Exports should turn off the valve slowly, and then power machine, turn off pressure gauge.
    应先慢慢关闭出口阀门, 然后停电机, 关闭压力表。
  • Tom received almost so, turn off the heat to enter coriander, turn the pot a few, the plate.
  • As soon as it begins to boil, turn down the heat, and simmer for thirty minutes. Then turn off the heat.
  • Disconnect. Turn off the phones, turn off the computer, and shut off the outside world for a little while.

turn off的近反义词




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