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mental life

  • 单词发音:英 [ ˈmentl laif ] 美 [ ˈmɛntl laɪf ]
  • 基本解释:[医]精神生活
  • mental life 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • [医]精神生活

mental life 相关例句更多>

  • a feature of the mental life of a living organism.
  • Mental illness develop much earlier in life than once believed.
  • I worried about whether you were going to be a mental cripple for life or not.
  • Learn to absorb the mental and moral life of a book, and assimilate it into your life.
    学会吸收书中的精神和生活道德, 并融合到你自己的生活中。
  • Learn to absorb the mental and the moral life of a book, and assimilate it into your life.
    学着去吸收书中的道德情操, 直至彻底领悟于现实生活当中。
  • But more importantly, a happy life should also include the mental and psychological aspects.
  • In the mental disease that produces during this, appellative for mental disease of the turn of life.
    在这期间发生的精神病, 通称为更年期精神病。
  • An analysis of quality of life and mental characteristics in patients with various subtype irritable bowel syndrome
  • 'A hot topic down the road,' Coffey said, will be whether education even late in life has a protective effect against mental decline.
  • His teaching and ideas have spread considerably beyond spiritual life, influencing theater, the visual arts, mental health care, business management, gerontology, and hospice work.
    的菩萨精神, 在当时, 在今日, 都是颇受争议和误解的。




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