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mention in

  • 单词发音:英 [ ˈmenʃən in ] 美 [ ˈmɛnʃən ɪn ]
  • 基本解释:在…中提[写]到;提名表扬
  • mention in 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 在…中提[写]到
  • 提名表扬

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  • This deserves special mention in the annals of our Party.
  • And oops, did we mention theres no actual research data in the study
    喔, 我们提到过在研究里没有实际调查数据吗?
  • Please old not omit mention the tare and gross weight In addition to the net.
  • This rare and cutting edge disc was given the Album of the Year mention in Australia.
  • Please do not fail to mention in your offer the quantity available and payment terms.
  • You will be asking, then, why should I mention about the admission of a girl in a school?
    你或许会问,为什么我要提到 送女儿去学校?
  • The crowd groaned in disappointment and failed to hear the announcer mention the stand in's name.
    失望中, 观众们议论纷纷, 听也没听报幕说出代唱歌手的名字。
  • I talk about that in the book and mention some of the companies that will be trying to address the problems.
  • Three words namely look in to listen the small fox creature lull in Chu sky slightly show to anxiously mention.
    楚天寻听到小狐平静的三个字, 略显急切的说道。
  • From 200 BC to 200 AD, Pythagorean triples appear in The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art, together with a mention of right triangles.




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