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lower bed

  • 单词发音:英 [ ˈləuə bed ] 美 [ ˈlaʊɚ bɛd ]
  • 基本解释:低河床
  • lower bed 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 低河床

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lower bed 相关例句更多>

  • Raise side rails and lower bed.
    放置围栏, 降低床铺高度。
  • to lower o.s. into a chair/ onto a bed
    屈身坐在椅子/ 躺在床上
  • In the upper reach the bed was dune covered and in the lower reach it was flat.
    上游河段的床面为沙垄所覆盖, 而下游河段则为平整床面。
  • Stable lowering of Tongguan bed elevation and comprehensive regulation of the lower Weihe River
  • Application of transient electromagnetic techniques to grouting reconstruction of lower confining bed
  • The comparison of effects between the bed upside down and routine methods for discharge stone in lower calyx
  • Feasible Techniques of Lower River Bed Formation Through Irrigating Sedimentation in Lower Reaches of Yellow River.
  • The Renovation and Operation of One Chain Grate Stoker Boiler to Lower Circulating Ratia Circulation Fluidized Bed Boiler.
  • Integrated model for simulating the sediment transport and river bed evolution in lower reaches of Yellow River in the area of river mouth




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