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lower away

  • 单词发音:英 [ ˈləuə əˈwei ] 美 [ ˈlaʊɚ əˈwe ]
  • 基本解释:放艘下小船, 降下帆篷
  • lower away 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 放艘下小船, 降下帆篷

lower away 相关例句更多>

  • As you lower away, you can gather the jib as it comes down.
  • Use a properly thicker cable when the power is far away to avoid a lower voltage.
    离电源较远时, 电缆接线必须相应加粗。以免电压偏低。
  • Make coefficient of friction lower into 0.001, almost in zero wear away of ideal lubrication status.
  • Using forceps, the lateral lower eyelid is retracted away from the globe to expose the lateral canthus tendon.
  • Also can clear away heat good spleen and open flavour, lower blood pressure, such as effectiveness, relatives and friends is nice.
  • When times were hard, they were blamed for working for lower wages and taking jobs away from white men, who were in many cases recent immigrants themselves.




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