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in the habit of

  • 单词发音:英 [ in ðə ˈhæbit ɔv ] 美 [ ɪn ði ˈhæbɪt ʌv ]
  • 基本解释:有…的习惯,常常
  • in the habit of 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 有…的习惯,常常

in the habit of 相关例句更多>

  • I have formed the good habit of being absorbed in eating.
  • There was a time when people were in the habit of addressing themselves frequently.
  • In addition, the Mongolian gazelle and the Tibetan antelope has the habit of the car race.
  • At the time of Sister Act 2 Back in the Habit, she was the highest paid actress in history.
    在出演修女也疯狂2时, 她是历史上片酬最高的女演员。
  • Living in Lesser Khingan Mountains, Accipiter gentiles and Strix nebulosa share the same habit of reusing their old nests.
  • The combination of centralization and unification with acting in light with local conditions and giving consideration to historical habit.

in the habit of的近反义词




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