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set fire to

  • 单词发音:英 [ set ˈfaɪə(r) tu ] 美 [ set ˈfaɪər tu ]
  • 基本解释:放火烧, 点着了…;激起;燃点
  • set fire to 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 放火烧, 点着了…
  • 激起
  • 燃点

set fire to 相关例句更多>

  • A tall man was said to have set fire to the bar.
  • The revolutionaries set fire to the American Embassy.
  • Andy wants to set fire to the shed to kill the wasps.
    安迪想放火烧这个棚屋, 杀死黄蜂。
  • The house doesn't belong to me, so set fire to it by all means!
  • The knaves set fire to the barn have been caught and sent to prison.
  • The knaves who set fire to the barn have been caught and sent to prison.
  • An incendiary bomb, device, attack set fire to the enemies ammunition dump
  • To avoid poisonous gas discharge, scientists decided to set fire to the hole.
    为避免有毒气体排出, 科学家决定向洞里放火。
  • He set fire to his doormat to make the police take what he was saying more seriously.
  • In Francewe leave unmolested those who set fire to the house, and persecute those who sound the alarm.
    纵火烧屋者无事, 按响警铃者却被起诉。




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