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see to it that

  • 基本解释:务必做到,保证
  • see to it that 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 务必做到,保证

see to it that 相关例句更多>

  • Can you see to it that the fax goes this afternoon
  • I will see that it is done according to your directions.
  • In doing so, youll be able to see what it is that you admire in this person.
  • Please be so kind as to see to it that all the alterations are made at once!
  • Align your eyes to see that the square of the air, laughing at you I can see it.
  • You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed.
  • It was also amazing to see the massive quantities of biomass that are needed to run these facilities.
  • We believe we owe it to our people to see that they are adequately dressed and that food is plentiful.
    我们认为, 应当使我国人民丰衣足食。
  • And I see that opting out that happens in childhood, and it moves in and becomes more ingrained, even by the time you get to adult life.
    我发现这种童年时的改变 会变得越来越深刻 甚至直至成年
  • Therefore, you see that it is tough for people who are alcoholics to give it up. The more they drink, the harder it is for them to stop.




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