The act of wetting or becoming wet through and through. 浸湿或浸透得行为。
The act of wetting or becoming wet through and through. 浸透浸湿或浸透的行为。
The patient was able to pull through and make a full recovery. 这个病人可以恢复健康,完全复原。
People assume they know me through and through the moment we meet. 人们一见到我,就自以为对我了如指掌了。
She's got a through and through the right upper arm. Good distal pulses. 她的右臂被子弹穿过 末端脉搏正常
The red knife of light appeared stabbing the darkness through and through. 阳光象一柄红色利剑, 刺透了一层层黑暗。
And then you have an interlude where this eagle comes through and announces woes on everybody. 然后有一段插曲,一只鹰飞来,向所有人高喊,祸哉。
Reducing access to alcohol through increased taxation and through reductions in sales outlet density. 通过增加税收和降低销售网点密度来降低酒精的可及性。
Go through and recombinate and rest and reorganize half a year, appear again Japanese rock band again. 经历了重组和休整半年之后,再次复出的日式摇滚乐队。
If the ulcer penetrates through the muscularis and through adventitia, then the ulcer is said to perforate and leads to an acute abdomen. 如果穿透肌层和外膜层,即发生溃疡穿孔,导致急腹症。