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there and then

  • 单词发音:英 [ ðɛə ænd ðen ] 美 [ ðɛr ənd ðɛn ]
  • 基本解释:当场,立即;当时当地
  • there and then 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 当场,立即
  • 当时当地

there and then 相关例句更多>

  • There and then he asked her to marry him.
  • He accepted my price and wrote out a cheque there and then.
  • And it just sits there and burns for the sixty years, and then it's done.
  • And then, oops, there has been atomic number, for which there is no known element.
    这样, 原子序数有了, 但是却没有发现这种元素。
  • There are space and time, and then, there are life and death, existence and nonexistence.
  • What you find is mostly glycine and then alanine and there's some trace elements of the other ones.
    你能找到的大部分是甘氨酸和丙氨酸 还有其他一些
  • There was a lagging, anxious silence, and then all of a sudden there was an explosion of firearms and a cry.
  • Amidst her noble and elegant manners, there is now and then a little touch of bashfulness and conventional rusticity.
  • Leave your gift there before the altar, and first go and be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift.
  • While reading, at the beginning of reading, suspects are unknown. Doubts come about gradually, and then doubts are everywhere. After this stage, doubts are cleared up and mastery is achieved through a comprehensive study of the subject. Eventually there is no doubt, and that is called"study".




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