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be made up of

  • 单词发音:英 [ bi meɪd ʌp ɒv ] 美 [ bi meɪd ʌp əv ]
  • 基本解释:由…组成
  • be made up of 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 由…组成

be made up of 相关例句更多>

  • Be made up of be composed of consist of.
  • The loss of advanced payment should be made up if the rate changes.
    当收定金时, 如果汇率变了, 要加上汇率的损失。
  • An arbitral tribunal shall be normally made up of three arbitrators.
  • Abstract History is a common memory, is made up of a genealogy of clues to be found.
    提要历史是一个共同回忆, 其组成有一个系谱学之线索可寻。
  • An aesthetic and nostalgic set would be made up of the warming bowl, the sake jug, and two scenting cups.
  • This rule shall not affect the determination of the place at which the average statement is to be made up.
  • Instead the pulse can be thought of as being made up of waves of many different frequencies added together.
  • was also apparently made up by Sellers, as he got out of his chair forgetting he was supposed to be disabled.
    他一把放手, 气鼓鼓坐在那张椅子里。
  • Sophie agreed to participate in the charity banquet, Yang redemption will be made up of the diamond brooch to the pupil.
    柔答应参加慈善宴会, 更托言将杨赎回的钻石胸针交予瞳。




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