come into being
- 单词发音:英 [ kʌm ˈɪntə ˈbiːɪŋ ] 美 [ kʌm ˈɪntə ˈbiːɪŋ ]
- 基本解释:开始存在;长;产生;诞生
- come into being 是什么意思及中文翻译:
- 开始存在
- 长
- 产生
- 诞生
come into being 相关例句更多>
- Then audit risks come into being.
于是, 审计风险就产生了。
- When did the world come into being.
- How did the universe come into being?
- To come into being by taking form arise.
- We shall not allow a new bourgeoisie to come into being.
- The stir is very broad in scope. A mass movement has come into being.
动的面很广, 已经形成了一个群众性的运动。
- The art of living can come into being only when thought does not contaminate love.
只有在思想不染污爱的时候, 生活的艺术才会存在。
- The latter illustrates under which conditions the coerced offender can come into being.
- Apparently, with old proverbs falling disuse, new ones will continuously come into being.
显然, 随着旧得谚语得废弃不用, 新得谚语在。
- This year, that tower of babble is higher than ever, as new terms have come into being, and old ones have come to the fore.