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vote for

  • 单词发音:英 [ vəut fɔ: ] 美 [ vot fɔr ]
  • 基本解释:投票赞成;建议
  • vote for 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 投票赞成
  • 建议

vote for 相关例句更多>

  • The entire academy membership vote for the annual awards.
  • If he will accept the nomination, a lot of electors will vote for him.
    如果他愿意接受提名, 许多选民都会投他的票。
  • Women had to agitate for vote for many yearsbeforethey finally got it.
  • They had to agitate for vote for many years before they finally got it.
  • Women had to agitate for vote for many years before they finally got it.
  • Business lobbies admit they have no idea who their members will vote for.
  • Women had to agitate for the vote for many years before they finally got it.
  • I cannot vote for a condidate who stands for the antithesis of what I believe.
  • The agenda and programme of work were adopted without a vote. For the agenda, see annex II.
    议程和工作安排未经表决获得通过, 议程见附件二。
  • There was no question of campaigning for the right to vote for women too. They were still excluded.
    毫无疑问, 争取女性投票权一样仍被排除在外。




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