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as as possible

  • 基本解释:尽可能多

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as as possible 相关例句更多>

  • Write home as often as possible so as to relieve your mother from anxiety.
  • We will try to put the message as clearly, as lovingly, as urgently as possible.
    但愿尽我们所能的, 将这个信息讲得清楚, 亲切, 并明了。
  • I recovered from my surgery as soon as I could in order to play as soon as possible.
    我努力从手术中尽快恢复, 就是为了能早日比赛。
  • We want our tree to be as simple as possible, with as few nodes and leaves as possible.
  • As soon as you hear the fire alarm you need to clear out of the building as soon as possible.
  • The inverted arch shall be constructed in advance so as to form enclosed structure as soon as possible.
  • Ask the client to flex his knees, if possible, bringing his feet as close to his buttocks as possible.
  • Please send me as soon as possible to the above address the following goods,as listed in your spring catalogue.
  • Bloggers hope that their blogs are read by as many people as possible and have as high a click rate as possible.
    写博客者, 希望看自己博客的人多多益善, 点击率越高越好。
  • Because the other company is trying to finish as soon as possible, we must determine our attitude as quickly as possible.




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