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good at

  • 单词发音:英 [ ɡud æt ] 美 [ ɡʊd æt ]
  • 基本解释:擅长…
  • good at 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 擅长…

包含good at的单词更多>

  • scattergood 大肆挥霍的人
  • Scattergood [人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 斯卡特古德绰号,花钱随便的,来源于中世纪英语,含义是“挥霍+财产,货物”(to squander,dissipate+property,goods)
  • good-natured 和善的

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good at 相关例句更多>

  • A good listener be good at asking questions.
  • He is good at sports and he is also good at playing basketball.
  • Those who are good at making excuses will be good at nothing else
  • And that's good at creating groups is no good at creating conversations.
  • Helen is very good at throwing the javelin and Mary is very good at running.
    海伦很擅长标枪, 玛丽则长于跑步。
  • Strive to do good deeds, but more importantly, to be good at doing good deeds.
    肯做好事, 还要回做好事。
  • The media that is good at creating conversations is no good at creating groups.
  • He has a good grounding in ancient prose, and is good at writing antithetical sentences.
  • Attitude of good, cooperative good at communication, to comply with professional ethics.
    服务态度佳, 乐于合作, 善于沟通, 遵守职业道德。
  • Those who are good at learning exhausts the principles. Those who are good at practicing seeks to solve the most difficult problems
    善学者尽其理, 善行者究其难

good at的近反义词




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