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look after

  • 单词发音:英 [ luk ˈɑ:ftə ] 美 [ lʊk ˈæftɚ ]
  • 基本解释:照顾;照料;料理;打理
  • look after 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 照顾
  • 照料
  • 料理
  • 打理

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look after 相关例句更多>

  • Please look after my house during my absence.
  • You can learn how to look after life after you have a pet.
  • Mother kept after me to look after my little sister carefully.
  • If has the next gerneration I to be able to look after you well, really.
  • After work, she would immediately return home to look after invalid mom.
  • He had to look after his sick father, adopted sister and younger brother.
  • Adjust the color of their skin look after people skinneding, florid health.
    这是丰富多彩的和华丽, 是一种新型的屋面材料。
  • After retirement, grandpa and grandma stay at home and look after their grandson.
    爷爷奶奶退休以后, 就在家里看养孙子了。
  • Look, you are not going to die alright If you do, sure I can look after Ma alright.
  • After a short time in Vienna, Beethoven returned home to help look after his dying mother.
    在维也纳短暂的停留后, 贝多芬返家帮忙照顾命危的母亲。

look after的近反义词




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