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so much

  • 单词发音:英 [ səʊ mʌtʃ ] 美 [ soʊ mʌtʃ ]
  • 基本解释:多少;那么些;这么些;很,深深地
  • so much 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 多少
  • 那么些
  • 这么些
  • 很,深深地

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so much 相关例句更多>

  • There is so much fear, so much mistrust.
  • There is so much fear, so much mistrust.
    有许多的恐惧, 有许多的不信任。
  • I wonder if you have so much time to do so much work.
  • They have so much leisure and so much leisurely joviality.
  • So much glory has rarely been followed by so much humiliation.
  • There was so much unconscious pride in his port, so much ease in his demeanour.
    他的举止在无意中流露出如此的傲慢, 态度是如此地从容。
  • It was amazing that a man who had known so much sorrow could radiate so much life.
  • No wonder theres so much cynicism out there. No wonder theres so much disappointment.
  • It was so much darker, and so much more complicated and foreign, than I could have imagined it would be.
    这个行业远比我想象的更阴暗, 也更复杂和难以接近。
  • That somebody with so talent, so much genius one might argue, was filled with so much doubt about his own ability.




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