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weather report

  • 单词发音:英 [ ˈweðə riˈpɔ:t ] 美 [ ˈwɛðɚ rɪˈpɔrt ]
  • 基本解释:气象报告
  • weather report 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 气象报告

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  • According to the weather report it's still winter.
  • According to the weather report a rainstorm is imminent.
  • Siencers admited that weather report is not a accurate science.
  • The BCC weather report this morning said that we should have rain.
    英国广播公司今晨的天气预报说, 我们这儿将有雨。
  • Because the weather report says that the temperature will be blow zero after that.
    因为天气预报说下雨后, 气温会在零摄氏度以下。
  • According to the weather report, the weather will continue fine till this weekend.
    据天气预报, 到本周末天气仍然很好。
  • According to the weather report, there is thunderstorm tonight. Take care while driving on the road.
  • According to the weather report, tomorrow Lost Angeles will partly cloudy with occasional rain shower.
    根据天气预报, 洛杉矶明天将是阴天偶雨居多。
  • According to the weather report, tomorrow Lost Angeles will be partly cloudy with occasional rain shower.
    根据天气预告, 洛杉矶明天将是阴天偶雨居多。
  • According to the weather report, cold air will attack today and tomorrow. Please take care to defend cold.




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