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come out

  • 单词发音:英 [ kʌm aʊt ] 美 [ kʌm aʊt ]
  • 基本解释:出来;出现;出版;出狱
  • come out 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 出来
  • 出现
  • 出版
  • 出狱

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  • Come out, come out wherever you are.
  • Come out, come out, wherever you are.
  • If you want to come out, come on out.
    你要来就来, 要不拉倒。
  • Do you wanna come out with me? Come out
    也常用于新书的出版, 比如
  • Zarra!Come out, come out wherever you are!
  • Happiness dose not come out of a New Year it come out of men and women.
    幸福不会随着新年的来临而出现, 它出自于人的行为。
  • The spirit had not come from any ancestor, it had come out of the unknown.
  • As they come out, they come out thumbs down, or they come out little finger first.
    手出水时, 大拇指朝下, 或者说小手指领先出水。
  • The speedy thoroughbred depend on oneself to rush out, don't depend a Bole to come out.
  • Why shop closed him come full circle back and forth, skilful way to come out from the corner.
    店关门了?他来回兜了一圈, 巧手这才从角落里走出来。

come out的近反义词




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