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make sure

  • 单词发音:英 [ meɪk ʃʊə(r) ] 美 [ meɪk ʃʊr ]
  • 基本解释:把事情弄清楚,核实或查明某事物;设法确保出现某事物;务使
  • make sure 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 把事情弄清楚,核实或查明某事物
  • 设法确保出现某事物
  • 务使

make sure 相关例句更多>

  • is make sure it doesn't make you bitter.
  • Please make pleats at sleeve cuffs to make sure, that there is enough width.
  • My job is to actually make sure that we make progress on all of these disorders.
    我的工作是確保在這所有疾病上 取得進展
  • Make sure you make straight, clean clips and your nails are left with unsplit edges.
  • Make sure, however, that you make the connection between the example and the readings.
  • First, make sure you are getting a good buy by shopping around before you make a decision.
    首先要在拿定主意之前货比三家, 从而保证你买得巧。
  • Cordage is a pain in the arse to make in the woods so I always make sure I have plenty with me.
  • We must carefully confirm the derivation of these phrases, and make sure we dont make any mistakes.
    这些成语的出典要认真确定, 不能出错。
  • We must carefully confirm the derivation of these phrases, and make sure we don't make any mistakes.
  • Its not enough to make an assignment, you've also got to make sure that your employee has accepted the assignment.

make sure的近反义词




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