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remaining life

  • 单词发音:英 [ rɪ'meɪnɪŋ laɪf ]
  • 基本解释:剩余寿命
  • remaining life 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 剩余寿命
  • 残存使用年限

remaining life 相关例句更多>

  • Triggers if the player has10 or less life points remaining.
  • Milk Thistle will assist initiates in remaining in balance in the dance of life.
  • The old man lost his wife and son, and led a desolate life for his remaining years.
  • Study on the remaining life model of the rifled barrel by the artificial neural network
  • But,in this 20 remaining years of life,country increment duty s collection also has many problems.
  • And it'll be another six billion before that happens, and any remaining life on Earth is vaporized.
    还有60亿年时间 地球上的一切生命才会蒸发。
  • and the remaining balance is spent in wallowing in the trivial plea sures of domestic or sensuous life.
  • I expect that within 15 years, we will be adding more than a year annually to remaining life expectancy.
    我预期在15年内, 我们每年都将增加一年以上的寿命。
  • They really must have used the last drop of their remaining life force to turn themselves into red or brown leaves.
  • Is who has destroyed love drinking glass, causes love to turn the recollection the remaining years of life last years.




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