remain away
- 单词发音:英 [ riˈmein əˈwei ] 美 [ rɪˈmen əˈwe ]
- 基本解释:缺席
- remain away 是什么意思及中文翻译:
- 缺席
remain away 相关例句更多>
- We were ordered to remain away from the city.
- The limonene will remain liquid and be washed away during filtration.
柠檬烯会留在液体中, 而且会在过滤中被洗去。
- All the villagers have moved away, only several collapsing houses remain.
村民全都搬迁走了, 这里只留下了几座圮塌得破屋。
- Do not take anything away but photo, do not remain anything but footprint.
除了照片, 什么都别带走除了脚印, 什么都别留下。
- The middlemen the airlines wanted to do away with remain comfortably entrenched.
- Twenty years is a long time to remain away from the one you say you love, she declared.
- The whereabouts of over a dozen of other activists taken away by the police remain unknown.
- To avoid controversy, many economists choose to remain silent and while away in their complacency.
出于避免争议的考虑, 经济学家们大多选择了逃避。
- But and if she depart , let her remain unmarried , or be reconciled to her husband and let not the husband put away his wife.
- The microscopic bits that remain must be washed away by drink or saliva (morning breath occurs because salivation stops at night.)