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Second to None

  • 基本解释:[电影]阿姨汤丸
  • Second to None 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • [电影]阿姨汤丸
  • Second to None 大小写变形: second to none

包含Second to None的短语更多>

Second to None 相关例句更多>

  • As a tennis player Ann is second to none.
  • When it comes to singing, John is second to none.
    一说到唱歌, 约翰最棒了。
  • When it comes to bargain, Dana is second to none.
    谈到讨价还价, 黛娜可说是无人能及。
  • As to appearance, she second to none in this town.
    论长相, 镇上没有人比得上她。
  • The range of activities we offer is almost certainly second to none.
  • The courage and professionalism of our armed forces are second to none.
  • The United States must appear second to none in its desire for disarmament.
  • In a variety of pipe fittings, ass fittings cost performance is second to none.
  • In addition, he left to the right of comprehensiveness, even Messi are second to none.
  • None of Utzon's other buildings-- churches, government departments, houses--looks anything like it, and architects today who try to copy his concept always end up looking very second-rate indeed.




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