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so As to

  • 基本解释:这(那)样…以致
  • so As to 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 这(那)样…以致
  • so As to 大小写变形: so as to

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  • As adverbial modifier She agreed so as to amuse the children.
  • Write home as often as possible so as to relieve your mother from anxiety.
  • To provide value added service to meet customers'needs so as to make them repeat.
    现因业务扩展和需要, 诚征有能力得精英人士加盟。
  • My aim is to become a good citizen so as to be able to render service to the country.
  • Development models, so as to be able to promote coordinated development as regards to
    发展模式的启迪, 从而能够促
  • My aim is to become a good citizen so as to be able to render a service to the country.
  • Get to the truth of liabilities so as to adopt effective measure to dissolve current liabilities ASAP.
  • Can you try to get your manufacturer round to step up production so as to advance the date of delivery?
  • The inverted arch shall be constructed in advance so as to form enclosed structure as soon as possible.
  • We need to repair rare ancient books in accordance with the principle of"mend so as to be the same as before".




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