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  • 基本解释:Aircraft Locknut Manufacturers Association 飞机螺母生产商联合会;American Loudspeaker Manufacturers Association 美国扩音器生产商联合会;Association of Literary Magazines of America 美国文学杂志联合会;allyl mercapturic acid 烯丙基巯基尿酸
  • ALMA 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 缩写词(abbr.) Aircraft Locknut Manufacturers Association 飞机螺母生产商联合会
  • 缩写词(abbr.) American Loudspeaker Manufacturers Association 美国扩音器生产商联合会
  • 缩写词(abbr.) Association of Literary Magazines of America 美国文学杂志联合会
  • 缩写词(abbr.) allyl mercapturic acid 烯丙基巯基尿酸
  • ALMA 大小写变形: Almaalma


  • alma (埃及的)歌女,舞女,歌舞女郎[亦作almah, alme, almeh]
  • Alma 阿尔玛(f.) (埃及的)歌女,舞女
  • Palmae [医][拉]〔单palma〕掌
  • palmae [医][拉]〔单palma〕掌
  • almanack <古>历书,年鉴
  • Almanzor (Almanzor)人名;(阿拉伯)曼苏尔;(西、葡)阿尔曼索尔
  • almanacs 历书( almanac的名词复数 )
  • almanacks <古>历书,年鉴( almanack的名词复数 )
  • Dalmatian 达尔马提亚人

ALMA 相关例句更多>

  • I never loved Alma.
  • And neither will Alma. Alma?
  • Alma, this is Jack Twist, Jack, my wife Alma.
    阿尔玛, 这是杰克?崔斯特, 杰克, 这是我妻子阿尔玛。
  • When I said adultery, I wasn't referring to Orson and Alma.
    我说的通奸 不是指奥森和阿尔玛。
  • When Gregory finally proposed to her in 1929, Alma accepted.
  • The agency rewarded him with an Administrative post at his alma mater
  • They are in need of career advice and they are turning to their alma maters.
  • The next day we visited, many students back to his Alma mater Alma mater contributions.
    第二天我们走访了母校, 许多同学还给母校捐款。
  • Alma mater, is the cradle of our life, his alma mater, is the starting point we take off.
  • Postcrash amnesia has robbed him of the vital three or four minutes that preceded the crash in the Pont d'Alma tunnel and its aftermath, when he lay suspended between life and death.




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