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New York City

  • 基本解释:纽约市(美国最大城市及最大的商港,也是世界经济中心之一,被人们誉为世界之都,位于纽约州东南部)
  • New York City 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 纽约市(美国最大城市及最大的商港,也是世界经济中心之一,被人们誉为世界之都,位于纽约州东南部)

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New York City 相关例句更多>

  • White Horse Tavern New York City, New York
  • A suspension bridge across the East River in New York City.
  • Late afternoon departure and return an evening arrival into New York City.
  • The first time I came to America on a business trip, I visited New York City.
  • In New York City Mr Tung met the business, financial and academic communities.
  • Though it is Saturday afternoon, the streets of New York City are silent as the grave.
  • We were actually able to grow about a salad a week in a typical New York City apartment window.
    能在一个纽约公寓的窗户上 一周种出一份沙拉来
  • I was buried alive in New York City in a coffin, buried alive in a coffin in April, 1999, for a week.
    我曾于1999年4月, 被埋在纽约一口棺材里整整一个星期。
  • If a tropical megacity gets hit with a new virus, New York City and Los Angeles will see it only days or weeks later.
  • New York City dwellers drive four hours to hand-deliver pigeons crippled by a careless driver or a cruelly aimed stone.




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