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New Year's Day

  • 基本解释:元旦
  • New Year's Day 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 元旦
  • New Year's Day 大小写变形: New Year's day

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  • New Year's Day is the first day of each new year.
  • Shops close only on Christmas Day and New Year's Day.
  • It's unreasonable to expect me to work on new year's day.
    元旦都要我工作, 真没天良。
  • I had to admit, I look forward to meeting heron new year's day.
    我得承认, 我盼望在元旦同她见面。
  • Year after year I have had a letter from Arthur on New Year's Day.
  • On the afternoon of new year's day, we'll have a celebration meeting.
  • On New Year's Day all Chinese children wear new clothes with bright colours.
    大年初一, 孩子们都穿上颜色鲜艳的新衣服。
  • Today our class and class four held together on New Year's day new activities.
  • On the day before New Year's Day many families decorate their front doors with a pair of couplets designating good fortune.
    在除夕那天, 人们都会在自家门前贴上对联象征来年的好运。
  • I remember one time Baba took me to the yearly Buzkashi tournament that took place on the first day of spring, New Year's Day.




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