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bold italic

  • 单词发音:英 [ bəuld ɪ'tælɪk ]
  • 基本解释:粗斜体
  • bold italic 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 粗斜体
  • bold italic 大小写变形: bold Italic

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  • set sth in bold, roman, italic, etc type
    将某文稿排成黑体字, 正体字, 斜体字等。
  • Tag will not render a link as bold or italic.
  • Property enables you to make text bold or italic.
  • Apply bold, italic, or underline formatting to text
    将加粗, 倾斜或下划线格式应用于文本
  • But you are not really supposed to use red bold italic text.
  • Bold, Italic, and Outlined need to be added to the text part.
    粗体, 斜体, 并概述了需要被添加到文本的一部分。
  • Bold, italic, underline and mixes. Teletype, replaceable, strikeout.
  • However, there are many typefaces that do not have separate fonts to represent bold and italic.
  • Type style Referred to a particular family member of a typeface , such as italic , or bold, etc. SeeType family.
    指字体族内的某一成员, 例如斜体或黑体等。参阅字族。




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