And he named Roosevelt head of the federal Civil Service Commission. 他提名罗斯福做了文官委员会的领导。
The International Civil Service Commission is continuing to discuss separation payments. 国际公务员制度委员会正在继续讨论离职偿金问题。
Providing general support for the Standing Commission on Civil Service Salaries and Conditions of Service 为公务员薪俸及服务条件常务委员会提供一般支援服务
The National Assembly has now passed a political parties law and the National Civil Service Commission Act. 国民议会现已通过政党法和国家公务员制度委员会法。
Research on the Trends of the Service of Documents in Civil and Commercial Affairs Through Commission of the Courts of China and Hong Kong 内地和香港法院委托民商事文书送达的动态研析