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  • 基本解释:费耶诺德
  • Feyenoord 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 名词(n.) 费耶诺德

Feyenoord 相关例句更多>

  • Liverpool have made a new move for Feyenoord striker Dirk Kuyt.
    利物浦为费耶诺德射手德克 库伊特开出新的报价。
  • Then I was at Feyenoord so they asked me to do it a little slower.
    然后我进了飞燕诺, 他们让我慢一点。
  • They wouldn't have liked that because the Feyenoord fans don't like PSV or Ajax.
  • My one big frustration at Feyenoord was that I never got a chance in the Champions League.
    在费耶诺德我无法获得参加欧冠的机会, 这让我沮丧。
  • Feyenoord were left regretting that miss after the break as Chelsea introduced Didier Drogba.




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