Propose annual budget and the accounting of income and expenditure. 本系年度预算及规划开支之编审。
Discussion on the final accounting of revenue and expenditure of the water conservancy enterprises 浅谈水利事业单位财务决算
The income and expenditure and assets and liabilities are recognized on the accrual basis of accounting. 收入和支出以及资产和负债均按权责发生制认列。
daft annual budget and define final accounting of revenue and expenditure and execute annual financial management plan 制定年度预算与决算, 执行年度财务管理计划
Comparing the System of Centralising Financial Revenue and Expenditure with the System of Centralising Accounting Check Computation 财政国库集中收付制度与会计集中核算制度的比较分析