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red eye

  • 单词发音:英 [ red ai ] 美 [ rɛd aɪ ]
  • 基本解释:目赤
  • red eye 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 目赤
  • red eye 大小写变形: Red Eye

包含red eye的单词更多>

  • redeye 红眼鱼,铜头(腹)蛇,<美俚>番茄酱
  • Redeye 红眼导弹

包含red eye的短语更多>

red eye 相关例句更多>

  • Drink For Red Eye and Headache.
  • Andy catches Red's eye, nods his thanks.
    安迪用眼睛会意瑞德, 并点头致谢。
  • The eye of smile with cry a red eye four eyes opposite.
  • The various Ge Ling carefully sees, but momentarily red eye.
    诸葛绫仔细去看, 却忽而红了眼。
  • Symptoms include pain, red eye, decreased vision, and fever.
    其症状包括疼痛, 红眼, 视力下降, 以及发热。
  • Red glances around at his friends. Andy also catches his eye.
  • Because of the shape of the block, the RED EYE focuses the heat to the load.
    因为炉头砖的形状, 红眼把热量聚焦在加热体上。
  • In photographs we are all too familiar with the red eye effect we sometimes get.
    在照片中, 我们对有时会患的红眼症太过熟悉。
  • Looking at a son like this, the sorcery what thief cannoed assist but is red eye socket
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