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side streets

  • 基本解释:边道,小巷( side street的名词复数 )
  • side streets 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 名词(n.) 边道,小巷( side street的名词复数 )

side streets 相关例句更多>

  • Court Road and all the little side streets in between
  • There are two rows of aspens on either side of the streets.
  • The quiet streets stretched side like the arms of a skeleton.
    静静得街道从两旁伸出来, 像骷髅伸着骷臂。
  • For food, you can enjoy roti prata and teh Tarik in the side streets.
    食物方面, 你可以在横街里享受印度煎饼和拉茶。
  • They have blocked off all side streets giving access to the main street.
  • The quiet streets stretched out on either side like the arms of a skeleton.
    静静的街道从两旁伸出来, 像骷髅伸着枯臂。
  • For a quick, authentic meal, try the snack stalls down one of the side streets.




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