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  • 单词发音:英 [ stʌf ] 美 [ stʌf ]
  • 基本解释:异形大灾难
  • Stuff 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 异形大灾难
  • Stuff 大小写变形: stuff


  • stuff 材料,原料,资料
  • stuffy 闷热的,不通气的
  • stuffs 塞住( stuff的第三人称单数 )
  • stuffing 填充物
  • stuffier 空气不好的( stuffy的比较级 )
  • overstuff 装填过度,给(软椅、沙发等)加厚软垫
  • stuffiest 空气不好的( stuffy的最高级 )
  • foodstuffs <术>食物,食品( foodstuff的名词复数 )
  • overstuffs 装填过度,给(软椅、沙发等)加厚软垫( overstuff的第三人称单数 )
  • overstuffing 装填过度,给(软椅、沙发等)加厚软垫( overstuff的现在分词 )


Stuff 相关例句更多>

  • Good stuff is not cheap, and cheap stuff is not good.
    好货不便宜, 便宜没好货。
  • I like to melt stuff and dislike stuff that doesn't melt.
    我喜欢烧东西, 不喜欢不能烧的东西。这是一个从句。
  • So we can talk about stuff,confidential stuff,and it's cool ?
    那么我们能说点事情了机密得事,没问题 吧?
  • So we can talk about stuff, confidential stuff, and it's cool ?
    那么我们能说点事情了机密的事, 没问题? ?
  • Beware Digital Stuff can be almost as insidious as physical Stuff.
  • I didn't go in to the discover the political stuff, the social stuff.
  • He's doing stuff that looks as amazing as stuff I've seen released from Hollywood.
  • The innocentlooking scaly avocado is loaded with good stuff to make us look like hot stuff.
  • A twodirectional barrel roll stuff blender relates to the stuff blending and mixing equipment.
    一种双向滚桶拌料机, 涉及物料的搅拌及混合设备。
  • The best assumption, and one of the best guesses in this stuff, is that this stuff comes out of this stuff.
    最靠谱的假说和猜测, 这种物质来自于这些东西。




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