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  • 基本解释:Washington 华盛顿(美国首都);White Anglo-Saxon Hebrew 英国撒克逊希伯来白人
  • WASH 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 缩写词(abbr.) Washington 华盛顿(美国首都)
  • 缩写词(abbr.) White Anglo-Saxon Hebrew 英国撒克逊希伯来白人
  • WASH 大小写变形: Washwash


  • wash 洗(涤)
  • Wash (The Wash)沃什湾(英国东部 Norfolk 与 Lincolnshire 两郡之间的海湾)
  • washes 洗( wash的第三人称单数 )
  • washers 洗涤者( washer的名词复数 )
  • washings 洗( washing的名词复数 )
  • brainwash <贬>对…进行洗脑,把某种思想强加于,通过宣传灌输说服
  • whitewash (粉刷用的)石灰水,白色涂料
  • brainwashing 洗脑
  • whitewashing 粉饰,美化,掩饰( whitewash的现在分词 )


WASH 相关例句更多>

  • Wash! Wash! I wash every day.
  • My dad's hands are washing the dishes. Wash, wash, wash.
  • Wash entire rest of body with ginger nut and jaffa cake body wash.
    用天然杏子脸部清洗剂来擦洗脸部十分钟, 直至脸部发红。
  • Only bath is shown and wash his hands fluid, take to wash a face ?Why ?
  • They wash their hands, arms and faces, and lastly, they wash their feet.
    他们洗了手, 胳膊和脸, 最后脚也洗了。
  • Of An old argent, resembling poison, how to wash also wash did not come out.
    黯黯的老银色, 像着了毒, 怎么洗也洗不出来了。
  • Additional, had better wash hand machine wash make sneaker is out of shape easily.
    另外, 最好用手洗机洗轻易使运动鞋变形。
  • Assumed by the face wash to wash good, lest you good morning, do not post here the.
    假设靠洗面就洗好的话, 生怕你就早好了, 不用在这里发帖了。
  • Before breastfeeding, mothers should wash their hands, then wash the nipple and areola.
    在哺乳前, 产妇应先洗手, 然后将乳头和乳晕清洗干净。
  • Wash a shoe with the machine that wash a shoe ameliorable shoe old appearance, the light when making old shoe restores new shoe is collected.




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