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wild flower

  • 单词发音:英 [ waild ˈflauə ] 美 [ waɪld ˈflaʊɚ ]
  • 基本解释:野花
  • wild flower 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 名词(n.) 野花
  • wild flower 大小写变形: Wild Flower
  • wild flower 词态变化: 复数: wild flowers

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wild flower 相关例句更多>

  • And now, let me present this wild flower carpet to you.
  • Wild flower such as orchid and primrose is becoming rare.
  • Thy centuries follow each other perfecting a wild flower.
    你的世纪互相追随, 完美一朵小野花。
  • A world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower.
    一粒沙里一个世界, 一朵花里一个天国。
  • To see a world in a grain of sand, a heaven in a wild flower.
  • Thy centuries follow each other perfecting a small wild flower.
    你的世纪, 接连不断, 完美了一朵小小的野花。
  • The wild flower in the memory contain wild chrysanthemum and dandelions.
  • Research on the Introduction and Application of Wild Flower Limonium bicolor
  • There are abundant wild flower plant resources of Liliaceae in Henan Province, belonging to61 species and16 genera.
  • The wild flower resources is the material base of flower cultivation, domestication and improved varirety breeding.




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