To Compute the Determinant with the Method of Undetermined Coefficient 用待定系数法计算行列式
An undetermined coefficient constructive method for solving spectral problem 构造谱问题的一种待定系数法
Constructing square conservative difference scheme by means of undetermined coefficient 用待定系数法构造平方守恒差分格式
Research on the Approaches to Fixing the Undetermined Coefficient in integral of Rational Function. 确定有理函数积分中待定系数的方法研究
Application of Method of Undetermined Coefficient in Proof of Existence of Differential Coefficient Median 待定系数法在证明微分中值存在性问题中的应用
Application of Method of Undetermined Coefficients in Seeking Solution of Certain Variable Coefficient Ordinary Differentical Equations 待定法在求解某些变系数常微分方程中的应用