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transfer to

  • 单词发音:英 [ trænsˈfə: tu: ] 美 [ trænsˈfɚ tu ]
  • 基本解释:转学到
  • transfer to 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 动词(v.) 转学到

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  • After breakfast, transfer to airport and departure to US.
    巴拿马 美国早餐后乘车前往机场,离开巴拿马飞往美国。
  • How much time is left for passengers to transfer to the airport
  • In addition to the fabric, you can transfer to a ceramic, metal, etc.
  • Add sesame oil and Hua Diao Wine. Bring to just boil. Transfer to plate.
    下麻油及花雕酒略滚后, 上碟, 即成。
  • Excursion to Terra Cotta Warriors, transfer to airport for flight back to Beijing.
    参观兵马俑, 午餐后送往机场, 乘机飞回北京。接机至酒店。
  • In addition Ramos had to deal with the row over Daniel Alves's proposed transfer to Chelsea.
  • carry forward Accounting To transfer to the next column, page, or book, or to another account.
    会计学转帐将转下一栏, 页, 册或另一帐户
  • The Prosecutor plans to transfer to national jurisdictions up to five of those accused who are currently in detention.
  • Assignment of contract rights is a complete right transfer to receive the benefits accruing to one of the parties to that contract.
  • The first dorsal metacarpal artery fasciocutaneous flap transfer to improve appearance of the thumb reconstructed by second toe transfer




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