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water way

  • 单词发音:英 [ ˈwɔ:tə wei ] 美 [ ˈwɔtɚ we ]
  • 基本解释:(模具)水冷腔;排水沟;水道;通航水道
  • water way 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • (模具)水冷腔
  • 排水沟
  • 水道
  • 通航水道

包含water way的单词更多>

water way 相关例句更多>

  • One way to counteract hard water is by using a water softener.
  • Simply analyzing the quality management of water way harness engineering
  • There is an analogy the way water moves in waves and the way light travels.
  • Three is adopt comprehensive make use of, a water much uses of way stanza water.
  • There is an analogy between the way water moves in waves and the way light travels.
  • The evolution of river bed and the scheme of water way regulation for tunaozi shoal on the Sichuan
  • in a way to heat the water, but you still boil water and that turns to steam and turns the turbine.
    核能真是巨大的進步 但還是要燒水,變成蒸汽推動渦輪
  • Because if you have cleaner water and slower water, you can imagine a new way of living with that water.
    如果水质改善,水流减缓 人与水就能以全新方式共存
  • Channel bed variation and water way regulation of Fengboqi Shoal in the Sichuan Section of the Yangtze River
  • A Optimization Way of Synthesizing Overall Target Function to Calculate Reserve and Water Influx of Water Drive Gas Reservoir




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