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washing machine

  • 单词发音:英 [ ˈwɒʃɪŋ məʃiːn ] 美 [ ˈwɑːʃɪŋ məʃiːn ]
  • 基本解释:洗衣机
  • washing machine 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 名词(n.) 洗衣机
  • washing machine 词态变化: 复数: washing machines

washing machine 相关例句更多>

  • acrylic tow washing machine.
  • Mezzera counter acting open width washing machine
  • My washing machine has been out of action since last Monday.
  • The washer can be used as the most advanced biochemical washing machine.
  • If you press the red button near the bottom it will activate the washing machine.
    按靠近底部的红色按钮, 就会启动洗衣机。
  • This will allow washing machine drum to vibrate, and accompanied by a strong noise.
    这将使洗衣机滚筒产生振动, 并伴随着强烈的噪声。
  • I do washing for you, esp. Your smelly socks. Me or washing machine, which do you prefer
    替你洗衣服, 特别是臭袜子
  • Whatever you choose washing machine or hand washing, it keeps stable performance after drying.
    机洗, 手洗随您便, 晾干后神奇依然。
  • Write down sincerely, washing machine of actuate of the ability when leaving home, no risk at all!
  • Ore washing machine is divided into the single spiral ore washing machine and the double helix ore washing machine.




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