Steadfast in allegiance to ones homeland, government, or sovereign. 对自己的祖国,政府或主权无限忠诚的
In ancient China, government officials at all levels had morning court with the reigning sovereign every day. 古时候,文武百官每天早晨都要朝拜皇帝。
The Czech government will not support external interventions into the domestic affairs of sovereign countries. 捷克政府不会支持干涉主权国家内政的行为。
The practice of government on your world needs to embrace fully the unalienable rights of each sovereign citizen. 常规的政府必须承认每个公民拥有的不可剥夺的权利。
A large part is distributed among the various functionaries of government, and among the objects of the sovereign's favour or caprice. 很大一部分被分配给政府各式各样的官员,以及君王的宠臣。