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strategic point

  • 单词发音:英 [ strəˈti:dʒik pɔint ] 美 [ strəˈtidʒɪk pɔɪnt ]
  • 基本解释:控制关键点,战略要点;要地;厄
  • strategic point 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 控制关键点,战略要点
  • 要地

strategic point 相关例句更多>

  • Xuzhou has been well known in history as a hotly contested strategic point.
  • Panzer Elite infantry can be ordered to booby trap any strategic point in the game.
  • Irans nuclear program is at the point where the two countries strategic needs converge.
  • Strategic point The camel palm bakes in entering soupstock till should not rot now and then, mouth feeling is not nice otherwise.
  • One year out from a presidential election is the point at which big strategic decisions about the shape of the forthcoming fight are being made.
    据美国总统选举开选的一年, 是制定重大战略决策的时刻。




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