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stamp on

  • 单词发音:英 [ stæmp ɔn ] 美 [ stæmp ɑn ]
  • 基本解释:踩在…上;把…打在[印在]…上;踏
  • stamp on 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 踩在…上
  • 把…打在[印在]…上

包含stamp on的单词更多>

stamp on 相关例句更多>

  • A pupil tried to stamp on a bird.
  • The horse was thirsty and began to stamp on the ground.
    这马口渴了, 开始倒在地上。
  • There was a letter for Mary with an Australian stamp on it.
    玛丽有一封信, 上面贴着一张澳大利亚邮票。
  • Remarks Please put Party Bs stamp on the cost deduction list.
  • They are jealous of your vision of a bloody stamp on the back.
  • Please bring a photograph of yourself, we to affix a stamp on the corner of it.
    请带一张你得相片来, 咱们要在它得角上盖个印儿。
  • Please bring a photograph of yourself, we have to affix a stamp on the corner of it.
  • She almost forgot to stick the stamp on the envelop when she went to mail the letter.
  • I hope you didn't place another stamp on the letter that it would not cover up the address.
  • The issuance of transfer cheques requires the simultaneous registry and the affixture of paid stamp on original vouchers.




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