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splash up

  • 单词发音:英 [ splæʃ ʌp ] 美 [ splæʃ ʌp ]
  • 基本解释:溅脏
  • splash up 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 溅脏

splash up 相关例句更多>

  • I felt something splash up into my eyes.
  • There was splash goldfish in the pond, and a big goldfish bobbed up.
  • You scoop up some of Dennis's blood, to splash on Watson's shoes later.
    你弄了些丹尼的血, 然后撒在了沃森的鞋上。
  • The volcano cone is made up of the early cinder cone and late splash cone.
  • Suzuki aims to sell up to 60, 000 units per year of the Suzuki Splash in Europe.
  • I ask him how to be solved commanding, bring about splash the evil consequence up.
    我就问他怎样解决居高临下, 导致溅上来的恶果。
  • So each time you level up the tower, you also increase splash percentage and burning effect.
  • Since Muhammad Ali's fierce 22-year-old daughter Laila made a splash in her pro debut last October, Frazier-Lyde has ratcheted the hype up a notch.




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