Covering both travel expenses and daily subsistence allowance. 包括旅费和每日生活津贴。
Does minimum subsistence allowance mean reception of alms or enjoyment of ones rights 工作人员与受保对象的关系是管理还是服务等等。
Those delegates had been provided with airlines tickets and daily subsistence allowance. 基金向这些代表提供了飞机票和每日生活津贴。
The small allowance helps cover the cost of subsistence, and a full time caretaker if needed. 津贴数额虽小,但可支付生活费和全职护理员的工资。
The amount of daily subsistence allowance is fixed in accordance with the United Nations scale. 每日生活津贴的数额是根据联合国津贴费率表决定的。
Travel expenses and subsistence allowance are payable to members of the Panel of Experts from the Fund. 本基金应支付专家小组成员的旅费和生活津贴。
The President is not entitled to a special allowance or subsistence allowance for attendance at meetings of the Tribunal. 庭长出席法庭会议,不支领特殊津贴或生活津贴。
Travel expenses and subsistence allowance are payable to independent experts engaged by the Division to consider applications. 海洋司为审批申请聘请的独立专家支领旅费和生活津贴。