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turn down

  • 单词发音:英 [ tə:n daun ] 美 [ tɚn daʊn ]
  • 基本解释:减少,关小;拒绝;驳回;顶回去
  • turn down 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 减少,关小
  • 拒绝
  • 驳回
  • 顶回去

包含turn down的单词更多>

  • downturn (价格或活动)开始下降
  • turndown 翻下的,翻折的
  • downturns (价格或活动)开始下降( downturn的名词复数 )

turn down 相关例句更多>

  • turn down an invitation
  • That would be hard for anyone to turn down.
  • I told him again and again to turn down the radio.
  • Alternately turn down or turn off any unnecessary stressful noise.
  • On the up turn down test rig angle control for the fuel system of airplane
  • If both New York and Ohio turn down the Amendment tonight, it will be dead.
  • Turn down the thermostat a few degrees before you climb into bed, experts advise.
    在你打开了自动调温器几度在床上爬, 专家建议。
  • If howling occurs, reposition the speakers or turn down the volume on the amplifier.
    如果发生啸声, 请重新配置扬声器, 或转小放大器的音量。
  • As soon as it begins to boil, turn down the heat, and simmer for thirty minutes. Then turn off the heat.
  • It would be absolutely great if Milan decided to make a move for me. It would be very hard to turn down Milan.
    如果米兰决定为我有所行动, 那将非常棒。

turn down的近反义词




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