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meat eater

  • 基本解释:吃肉的
  • meat eater 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 索贿警察,荤警察
  • 大幅度地削减

包含meat eater的单词更多>

meat eater 相关例句更多>

  • Can I Love a Meat Eater?
  • Spinosaurus was a meat eater.
  • What protects the sea dragon from a meat eater's attack?
  • Albertosaurus was a meat eater. It killed other dinosaurs to eat them.
    阿尔贝塔龙是肉食动物, 它捕食其它的恐龙。
  • Tomato sauce stewed the pork and sausages, it's the meat eater Ivano's favorite.
    蕃茄酱汁炖煮五花肉和腊肠, 是老伊这个肉食主义者的最爱。
  • Iguanodon was a plant eater. Other meat eating dinosaurs would kill the Iguanodon to eat it.
  • Well, no, sir. Im not much of a meat eater myself, but I hear really great things about the pork.
    这倒没有, 我不爱吃肉, 但我知道猪肉是好东西。
  • And he said unto them, Out of the eater came forth meat, and out of the strong came forth sweetness.




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