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master work

  • 基本解释:杰作
  • master work 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 杰作

包含master work的单词更多>

master work 相关例句更多>

  • I work around the clock, not to master?
    我日夜不停地工作, 还不是为了主人?
  • It is clearly the work of a master craftsman.
  • His master accused him of having neglected his work.
  • Some dialectic approaches to the work of a class master
  • Master and audience laugh yeah, now you have to work very hard.
  • The master node assembles the results, further distributes work, and so on.
  • This painting is the work of a master hand, ie a superior and skilful artist.
  • And house, criterion most the attitude that showing master opposite work forthrightly, viewpoint and subconscious.
    而房子, 则最直接地展示着主人对生活的态度, 观点和潜意识。
  • It is imperative to master the solidity, strength and degree of correlation for a quality supervision during actual work.
  • What is your plan in the next three or five years? What do you intend to be five years later? I hope to work step by step in the next three or five years and master a skill to become competent in my work. And after five years, I will decide whether to fur




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