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Long Eye

  • 基本解释:长眼睛
  • Long Eye 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 千里眼是前苏联制造的雷达

Long Eye 相关例句更多>

  • How long do I need to apply eye drops ?
  • See computer for long affect eye eyesight to drop
  • Eye problem. Congenital amblyopia. Long sight adds astigmatism.
  • We have long enough turned a blind eye to his negligence of his duties.
    长期以来, 我们对他玩忽职守的行为熟视无睹。
  • I learned a long time ago, Reuven, that a blink an eye in itself is nothing.
    我早就意识到, 眨一次眼没有什么, 但是眼睛却非常重要。
  • A long needle with an eye large enough for heavy darning or embroidery thread.
  • Barely sit down come, side have MM long get return ok, at once more take aim more eye
  • She has turned a blind eye to his actions as long as she could, but she can't take it anymore.
  • Sole accept gives flower of crossed grain, peppery eye, sesame seed, double Long Qiangzhu Feng Chaoyang.
    鞋底纳出十字纹 胡椒眼,芝麻花,双龙抢珠凤朝阳。
  • Its been a long long time since Rino Gattuso played a game with Milan as hes dealing with eye problems at the moment.




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